Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Having finally tracked down a copy of the October Sainsbury magazine I am now able to try out the some new ideas from the cupcake masterclass. The article which is all pretty and girly (which cupcakes do not always have to be) has some useful tips but nothing ground breaking in it. I do like the idea of cinnamon icing. This lead me the thought of an autumn/Halloween cupcake of pumpkin cake and cinnamon frosting. The only problem with this is that I having difficulty finding tinned pumpkin. I know I could just use a whole pumpkin but it is so much easier and i think will make for a more moist cupcake. Tinned pumpkin is more of an American thing so im hoping to find it in Selfridges and I have been told some Waitrose stock it. A trip to Waitrose for me this weekend.

Here are scanned pages of the article for your reading pleasure.

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